
Homefriends is a Ruvo B.V. product. The information on this website is only intended to provide general information and is for general use. The website may contain links to other websites that are not managed by Ruvo B.V./Homefriends. Although the website is compiled with the greatest care, Ruvo B.V./Homefriends cannot be held liable for damage arising from any incorrect or incomplete information posted on this website or on any of the other websites accessed via a link on this website. All use of this website is at the user’s own risk and responsibility. All information on this website may only be used for personal purposes. Use for commercial purposes is not permitted. It is not permitted to copy or publish information from this website in any form without the prior written consent of Ruvo B.V./Homefriends.

© Homefriends – december 2020

Fun and originality from nature